The 37th Annual

U of M


Minneapolis, MN
Saturday, February 24, 2023

This is a Traditional Non-Contact Tournament with modified ITKF rules. Open to all Traditional Karate Styles, Organizations, & Ranks. This is the Club’s annual fundraising event and is one of the most popular & well-attended traditional karate tournaments in Minnesota.  Founded in 1967, the U of M Shotokan Karate Club is one of the oldest sports clubs at the University.  Please come and support the club and its members!

Kata | Team Kata | Kumite

Adult 18+ | Youth 6-17


9:00am – 10:30am: Athlete Check-In
10:00am – 10:45am:Kata Orientation
11:00am – 4:30pm: Tournament Begins (youth & adults simultaneously)
2:00pm – 2:30pm: Kumite Orientation


$35 per person
• fee includes unlimited events







Graduate Minneapolis (formerly The Commons)
615 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414

This hotel is on campus and immediately adjacent to the tournament.  It’s located on a Light Rail stop that can take you to the Mall of America, Airport, and Downtown Minneapolis. We have not blocked rooms at this hotel.



Fly to (MSP) Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.  Light rail is available from Airport directly to the Hotel & Tournament venue.


University of Minnesota Recreation & Wellness Center | 123 SE Harvard St, Minneapolis, MN 55455

IMPORTANT PARKING INFO!!!: Don’t even think about parking anywhere but at the Washington Street Ramp which is across the street from the entrance to the Rec Center and skyway connected to the Graduate Hotel.  There’s simply no other option and you will be miserable walking a half a mile to the event in the cold if you don’t heed this advice.  The rate is $9-$12 for the day. 


  • Athletes will be divided into age & rank groups in the safest and most logical manner possible.
  • Youth athletes may choose to compete in Adult Kata events, but not Adult Kumite events.
  • All events should be double elimination


  • Competitors perform any traditional kata of their choice.
  • There is no limit on what kata the competitor can perform
  • Kyu ranks may perform the same kata for each rounds, except in the case of a tie breaker.
  • Shodan and above must alternate kata if multiple rounds.
  • Kata may decided by flags or be scored by points, depending on the number of competitors and judges.


  • A team of 3 competitors (any age or gender mix) performs a kata of their choice simultaneously.
  • No bunkai/oyo (demonstration of application) is required, but may be performed is the team chooses to do so.
  • Competitors may only compete on one team kata team for the tournament.
  • Divisions will be grouped based on the teams’ average age and rank as determined by Tournament Coordinators.


There will be 3 different types of kumite offered based on age and experience:
Ippon Kumite (stationary 1-step sparring)  |  10th-8th kyu
Jyu Ippon Kumite
 (semi-free 1-step sparring)  |  7th-6th kyu
Jyu Kumite (free sparring)  |  5th Kyu and higher

General Kumite Safety Rules:

  • No headgear.
  • No footpads, shoes, shin guards, or hard plastic/metal braces.
  • No eye glasses or safety glasses.
  • No jewelry of any type.
  • Soft hair accessories only.
  • Fingernails and toenails must be trimmed short.
  • Hair must not obscure competitor’s vision.

Ippon Kumite Rules (stationary 1-step sparring)  | 10th-8th kyu
Ippon Kumite is non-contact, 1-step sparring with specified attacking & defending sides.   There will be 3 exchanges for each competitor.

Match Procedure:

As prompted by the Center Referee

Attacker starts from left leg forward down-block position – defender starts from standing position.  Attacks are in this order:
Attacker announces each single attack and defender must block and counter each time.

1.) Step-in Punch Head
2.) Step-in Punch Stomach
3.) Front Kick Stomach (back leg only)
Defender must block and counter each attack.  After each attack and defense, the athletes start a new sequence.  Judging is by show of flags at the end of all six sequences. Athletes are judged cumulatively on their overall skill in form, posture, power, spirit, distance, and timing. Contact beyond the surface of the skin will be penalized.

Jyu Ippon Kumite (semi-free 1-step sparring)  |  7th-6th kyu
(1 Jab, 1 Reverse Punch Body, 1 Front Kick)

Match Procedure:

  • Both athletes start from Shizentai (standing natural stance) on their respective marks.
  • Aka (red) side always attacks first.
  • Shushin (Center Referee) starts match with the respective announcement indicating the side attacking and the attacking technique  i.e., “Aka, Kogeki, Kizami Zuki Jodan…Hajime!”  (red side – attacking – Jab head – begin!)
  • Both sides engage immediately by assuming fighting position (Jyu Kamae) and attacker may attack at any time.
    • Just like regular sparring, athletes can move freely around the ring.
    • Athletes can attack or defend with either leg forward.
    • Attacker may commence their one attack at any time and must remain still after each attack.
    • Attacker must attack within 10 seconds or that sequence will be forfeit to the defender.
    • Out of bounds (Jogai) or any excessive contact will result in a forfeiture of that sequence to other athlete.
    • Attacker should not try to block the defender’s counter.
    • After each sequence, athletes return to their starting points in Shizentai.
  • After Aka completes the three attacks, Shushin will repeat the sequence with Shiro as attacker.
  • After all six sequences are complete, athletes return their starting points and Shushin calls for a winner by show of flags by the 4 corner judges.

Jyu Kumite Rules (free sparring)  |  5th Kyu and higher

  • Traditional non-contact “Shobu Ippon-Style” Kumite
    Ippon = 10 points / Wazari = 4 points / Keikoku Penalty = 2 points / Chui Penalty = 4 points
    Winner declared with 1 Ippon OR 2 Wazari OR the highest number of points at the end of the match.
  • 1.5 minute matches (calculated using “action time” not “running time”)
    >>Please note the following technical clarifications:
  • For techniques to be recognized and awarded points, they must be full-body actions.
  • Mawashi or Ushiro Mawashi Geri using top or bottom of foot IS considered a qualified technique/body part for attacks to Jodan only.


  • Dress Code – Traditional White Karate Gi (preferred)
  • No rolled-up cuffed sleeves or pants are allowed in free sparring events
    Required Safety Equipment for Free Sparring Events:
    (Free Sparring ONLY – not required for 1-step kumite)
  • Mouth Guard
  • Non-Padded Fist Covers (provided)
  • Groin Protector (for males)
  • (optional) Chest Protector (for females)